Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Items in the case
M4A1-S Bright Water
M4A1-S Dark Water
R8 Revolver Amber Fade
MP7 Abyssal Apparition
Dual Berettas Melondrama
FAMAS Rapid Eye Movement
Dual Berettas Twin Turbo
AUG Momentum
AUG Syd Mead
UMP-45 Wild Child
P250 Franklin
Glock-18 Snack Attack
P2000 Imperial Dragon
Tec-9 Decimator
PP-Bizon Judgement of Anubis
M4A4 The Battlestar
AK-47 Leet Museo
M4A4 X-Ray
USP-S Neo-Noir
AWP Containment Breach
M4A4 Bullet Rain
M4A1-S Cyrex
AK-47 Neon Revolution
AK-47 Bloodsport
AK-47 Vulcan
AK-47 Fire Serpent
AWP Dragon Lore
★ Hand Wraps Leather
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade
★ Falchion Knife Doppler
★ Hand Wraps Slaughter
★ Moto Gloves Cool Mint
★ Karambit Lore
★ Butterfly Knife Tiger Tooth