Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Items in the case
P250 Cartel
M4A1-S Control Panel
Nova Bloomstick
M4A4 龍王 (Dragon King)
XM1014 Tranquility
M4A1-S Nightmare
AK-47 Frontside Misty
AK-47 Redline
AWP Elite Build
Desert Eagle Kumicho Dragon
M4A1-S Guardian
M4A1-S Atomic Alloy
AK-47 Panthera onca
Glock-18 Neo-Noir
MAC-10 Stalker
SSG 08 Dragonfire
M4A4 The Coalition
USP-S Neo-Noir
Desert Eagle Ocean Drive
USP-S Neo-Noir
M4A1-S Mecha Industries
AK-47 Inheritance
AWP Wildfire
AK-47 Bloodsport
AK-47 Fire Serpent
AK-47 X-Ray
★ Navaja Knife Boreal Forest
★ Paracord Knife Slaughter
★ Bowie Knife Slaughter
★ Flip Knife Slaughter
★ Ursus Knife Fade